Update enables new logging features

5 March 2024 | Int. Greenhouse Guide |

In this picture, the crop of Forever Plants where sensor measurements are made visible in the Log & Solve dashboard. This is where the translation from data to information takes place, making it easy for the grower to work with.


A number of new features in the digital cultivation logbook Log & Solve required a technology update. The great advantage of this technology update is that immediately with the new features also came an improved look and feel. In January, most users switched over to the new environment and praise is everywhere.

The new version of Log & Solve has been fully rolled out. Although the working method does not change, the appearance has become calmer and clearer. New features, such as the Data Explorer, make tracking crop data even more valuable. The Data Explorer allows users to compare collected data and arrive at new insights.

“Data collection is commonplace for growers and cultivators. Tracking cultivation results is done in a variety of ways. These include functions for creating protocols, reports, trial monitoring and securing cultivation knowledge,” says Gerard Flinterman of Log & Solve. “The Log & Solve cultivation dashboard makes the results transparent and translates the data into functional information, for now and in the future.”

Get(s) even more information from data
The improved interface, brings more overview to the crop data. Thereby, measurements from linked sensors are automatically updated. The Data Explorer extracts even more information from the collected data by interpreting the data in relation to the desired period. Comparisons can be made with the same cultivation period last year, but also with the same cultivation phase in another season. Flinterman: “This way, you can secure knowledge and information, but also transfer it. In addition, the dashboard provides an interpretation of the data and gives options for creating even better cultivation conditions for a more optimal result.”

More information: www.klasmann-deilmann.com

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