Clean water, less algae, bacteria and micro-organisms. With FreshWater you benefit from all these benefits in your basin or silo.
By using our energy-efficient circulation pump, the basin water is sent past the device 24/7. This continuously releases ionization on the water, creating nano bubbles.
These nano bubbles provide an O2 connection with pathogens. For example, ionization kills micro-organisms in the water and therefore reduces biofilm.
No more algae and bacteria
Nano bubbles provide an O2 connection with pathogens. This kills micro-organisms such as bacteria, algae and viruses in a natural way. This also immediately ensures cleaner water.
Long lasting effect
Ionization provides long-term protection against micro-organisms. This means that the water stays clean for longer.
Ionization also ensures that water is structured, making it easier for plants to absorb nutrients.
The use of our device in combination with the circulation pump contributes to sustainable water use. It extends the lifespan of your basin or silo. In this way, FreshWater contributes to a more sustainable world.