AI and sensors: a powerful combination

22 August 2024 | Int. Greenhouse Guide | SenseNL B.V.

In recent years, the use of AI has become present in more and more cutting edge solutions for greenhouse growers. Using the right information, the power of AI can be leveraged to give growers useful tools such as forecasts or even intelligent automation controls. One of the by now prominent names in this field is, which focuses on water uptake and nutrient models driven by AI to realize autonomous steering of irrigation and fertigation strategies.

An AI model is only as reliable as the data it learns from however, and that’s where meets SenseNL. With SenseNL’s focus on developing hardware for accurate and reliable root zone measurements, the two companies share knowledge and complement each other’s strengths, resulting in a product that provides the grower the controls to run their production more efficiently than before. SenseNL intends to keep expanding their network of partners where collaborating with CARA MET can prove beneficial.

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Langpoort 2
6001 CL Weert, NL
+31 495 545 060