An optimally controlled climate for free range houses

5 September 2024 | Int. Livestockhousing Guide | Fancom BV

Fancom’s recirculation inlet chimney to supply fresh air to the house is specially for poultry houses with outdoor access and equal pressure ventilation.

There are currently increasing numbers of poultry houses where the layers have access to an outdoor run. These houses offer the birds more opportunities to exhibit their natural behaviour and access fresh, outdoor air. However, creating and maintaining a constant climate in free-range houses is a challenge. The many pop holes reduce the pressure in the house which means the incoming, fresh air is not well distributed throughout the house. This can create draughts and cause wet litter close to the pop holes. To avoid these problems, systems with equal pressure ventilation are applied in free-range poultry houses. In equal pressure systems, the air is both supplied and extracted by fans.

Fancom has developed the recirculation air inlet chimney specifically for equal pressure ventilation. The controllable fan in this chimney brings fresh air into the house. A settable inlet precisely controls the amount of air. The inlet chimneys feature a recirculation element that warms the incoming air by mixing it with the air already in the house. The size of the recirculation opening can be adjusted to automatically regulate how much warm air is mixed with the outside air. Finally, a diffuser plate ensures the fresh air is distributed evenly throughout the houses to prevent any cold air drop on the birds.

The length of the 80 cm diameter recirculation inlet chimney can be easily extended using insulated Fancom chimneys. The materials used for the air inlet chimney ensure a high insulation value that prevents condensation. The chimney is 100% corrosion resistant.

Fancom’s new recirculation inlet chimney allows you to easily create an optimally controlled climate for all the birds in free range houses to achieve the best performance. The birds will spread out well throughout the house and a better litter quality prevents leg and footpad problems.

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