BeddingCleaner removes manure from freestall barns

22 January 2025 | Int. Livestockhousing Guide |

Freestall barns without a thick laying of compostable bedding quickly reach the limit of their absorption capacity. This means the bedding must be removed and replenished regularly. Using the BeddingCleaner can slow down this process. 

The BeddingCleaner is an innovative concept designed to remove droppings from freestall barns that use organic or inorganic bedding materials, such as sand. The BeddingCleaner is attached to a tractor and cleans the bedding at regular intervals. 

The bedding passes through a sieve mat that separates solid lumps while clean bedding drops back onto the floor. A small fraction of the bedding sticks to the manure, so it can be easily scooped up and transported to the integrated collection bin. Quickly and regularly removing manure keeps the litter cleaner, drier and usable for longer. 

This housing concept promotes relevant animal welfare aspects, such as freedom to lie down and move around, as well as reducing the emission of harmful gases and odours.

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