Digitisation, virus pressure and labor costs top of mind in Mexican industry

15 January 2020 | Int. Greenhouse Guide | GreenTech

Just as the Netherlands produces an enormous quantity of vegetables and flowers for neighbouring countries, Mexico’s horticultural sector serves the major markets of the United States and Canada. No wonder that there is a lot going on in regard to crop optimization for Mexico. With this year’s first edition of the exhibition GreenTech Americas, the show organisers want to help the industry move forward.

International show
From 24 to 26 March, the very first edition of GreenTech Americas will take place in Querétaro, Mexico, in the heart of the vegetable growing region. After organising four shows in Amsterdam, according to Mariska Dreschler, Director of GreenTech, this was a logical step. “GreenTech Amsterdam attracts important visitors from Mexico; mainly the CEOs catch the plane to the Netherlands. An exhibition in Mexico gives also other horticulture professionals from the region, including North America, head growers and assistant growers the possibility to gain valuable knowledge. It will enable them to improve their professional skills and increase the production results in the greenhouse. We had a great demand from our exhibitors, asking us to organize a horticulture platform on this side of the world to help them get in contact with other growers from this area.”

According to Mariska, there is a lot going on in the Mexican industry these days. Over the last years the horticultural industry worldwide has grown rapidly. “Therefore nowadays there are many investors active in the industry who believe in food production but do not have a green thumb. They seek specific information and stakeholders to successfully step into the market. At GreenTech Americas we can connect them with the right technology experts.”

Labor costs
Due to the rising costs of labor, automation is an important topic in the industry. With the demand for better quality, growers want to have more control over their production and therefore over the climate in the greenhouse, giving many opportunities for digitalization in cultivation. Then there is the pressure on preventing viruses, making it more and more important to have complete control over what enters the greenhouse for hygiene purposes. “The fact that vegetables are mainly grown in plastic greenhouses in Mexico does not mean that the horticultural sector is not high-tech”, Mariska says. “The equipment within the protected environment nowadays available is high level and contributes maximally to a year round sustainable production of vegetables/fruit and flowers. And that’s what’s gaining ground at a rapid pace.” In addition, growers from surrounding countries are welcomed, making it a hub for Latin America.

120 participating companies and 1500 visitors expected
The event is getting bigger than the team initially expected. Where there used to be room for 85 companies, the organization now expects to arrive at 120 companies. “We are sold out, and are working with a waiting list at the moment.” The registration for this event has just been opened, the organizers expects more than 1500 visitors.

She explains how this event can be an addition to the Mexican market. “Whereas the Expo AgroAlimentaria, which takes place every year in November, focuses on agriculture overall, GreenTech Americas puts the spotlights on cultivation optimization in a protected area. Knowledge exchange and innovations for successful and sustainable growing by using the right technology”, she explains the unique character of the show. “We have a good overview of horticultural suppliers, market leaders international and from the region, and will welcome both to the show.“

During the fair there will also be a horticultural conference in which a variety of topics will be discussed both in English and Spanish. E.g. on next generation growing, big data in the greenhouse, human capital and business investment related. Breeders participate, and we are going to pay special attention to startups”, Mariska says, pointing to the map of the venue.

For the organization, RAI Amsterdam collaborates with local partner Tarsus. “A dedicated exhibition organizer, having a good position in the Mexican market”, they conclude.

GreenTech Americas will take place from 24 to 26 March at the Querétaro Centro de Congresos in Querétaro, Mexico.

For more information and to register:
Greentech Americas
Registration link for Greentech Americas


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