Fullwood JOZ invests in innovation, expansion, and increasing manufacturing capacity

13 October 2022 | Int. Livestockhousing Guide | JOZ BV

It has been almost 4 months since we acquired Fullwood, so high time for an update! What are we up to, and what will Fullwood JOZ be investing in over the coming period? Arend Kuperus, CEO of JOZ and Fullwood JOZ, explains.

Increase manufacturing capacity in England and the Netherlands
At the moment, Fullwood JOZ produces its conventional milking and robotic milking solutions at its factory and distribution centre in Ellesmere in England. However, to meet growing demand, Fullwood JOZ will invest heavily in innovation, expansion and increasing manufacturing capacity in the coming period. Kuperus expects this will double the number of milking robots built by 2023.

‘We will shortly open a new site with offices and a factory and distribution centre at Agriport, alongside the motorway near Middenmeer’, says Kuperus. ‘Construction will start in early November, and we expect to be able to install the first M²erlin milking robot manufactured in the Netherlands in January. Besides this, we’re doing everything possible to significantly increase production at our factory and distribution centre in England. It promises to be a good year.’

Active in North America
It’s essential that manufacturing capacity can be increased, because following the recent success in obtaining FDA and 3A certification, Fullwood JOZ is now also operating in the American market. ‘As is the case with JOZ, we want to give farmers in as many countries as possible the very best service. We already deliver throughout Europe and in Japan, so the next growth areas are the USA and Canada. Our solutions have been approved for these countries, so Fullwood JOZ can now begin to serve these markets.’

He continues: ‘We’re also in the process of forming a new team that will operate in Ireland. We’re now really focussing on being a single company and a single family, of which the dealers are a very important part. For this reason, we’re investing a lot of time in getting to know each other and listening to each other, so that we can achieve some great successes together.’

Launch of new software
nBesides increasing manufacturing capacity, innovation is also very important for Fullwood JOZ. The software will be renewed next year, to make life even easier for those running businesses.

‘We’re substituting the current Crystal program with Full Sense. We expect to roll out this system in Q1 2023. This system responds to user needs even more closely, and proactively helps those running businesses to improve and maintain better control. We represent fast, comprehensive, and stress-free milking, and this is the kind of innovation that have helped us achieve these ideals.

More info?
Fullwood JOZ is looking for new employees in production, logistics, quality and sales to help it achieve its ambitions. If you have ambition and a heart for the agricultural sector, we need you. Interested? Go to www.werkenbijfullwoodjoz.nl to view all vacancies and get more information.

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