Let’s combine disinfection and Nano-Ultra-Micro O2 bubbles with a lower water surface tension?

AGUABEL has had its technology validated by several Belgian research centres and laboratories in recent years. This as a Belgian manufacturer of disinfection units based on cell-membrane electrolysis. Crazy roots, ToBRFV, Fusarium Oxysporum, Phytophthora cryptogea and more of these were all killed off using the Aguapure disinfection devices, and all without a significant drop in nutrients in the water. The after-action ensures that the water remains germicidal all the way to the plant or consumer.

Electrolysis takes place in a closed cell, where the anode and cathode sides are separated using a selective membrane. This has several advantages. First, no chlorine but chlorine gas is produced on the anode side. The disinfectant gas is injected into the pipe system through negative pressure, where it provides clean and efficient disinfection. In the process, the gas dissolves completely in the water. The selective membrane between the two sides ensures that only the active substances can mix with the water and that possible salt residues never get into the process water, so the water does not become corrosive. The total absence of undesirable substances in the water is Aguabel’s great advantage. Furthermore, the system ensures efficient disinfection without any risk to safety or health. A precise control ensures that only the necessary amount of chlorine gas is produced when disinfection is needed. This prevents storage of chlorine gas in the water and subsequent formation of chlorate. The disinfection equipment is economical, reliable and has low maintenance and operating costs.

AQUA4D is a Swiss manufacturer of water optimization systems based on emv resonance technology. For 20 years, AQUA4D® has been helping growers maximize their production with minimum possible resource use. Water penetrates better into soil micro pores, nutrient uptake is improved, and salinity can be managed in a sustainable way. This is true Swiss efficiency: fusing nature with technology and empowering growers to get the most out of every drop. AQUA4D® addresses the most pressing problems facing agriculture: water scarcity and land degradation. Our team helps growers tackle a wide range of water management problems. Soils stay moist for longer, while minerals and fertilizers in irrigation water are better hydrated and dissolved. Growers in 40+ countries achieve the seemingly paradoxical: higher yields with less resources, while solving a range of persistent problems.

UO2 is a South African manufacturer of micro-ultrafine oxygen bubble devices based on patented vortex technology. Micro and Ultrafine bubbles generated with the patented equipment of Ultra-Oxygen, are not your ordinary bubbles. These tiny, charged bubbles possess remarkable properties that set them apart from their larger counterparts. Ultrafine bubbles are so small that they measure under 50 microns and can even shrink naturally down to 350 nanometres. These bubbles are incredibly stable, neutrally buoyant, and can remain suspended in water for months.

Ultrafine bubbles are not just any bubbles; they have a charged surface that can perform electrochemistry and oxidative reactions. With the right mixture of iron and oxygen molecules, these bubbles can do oxidation reactions, making them ideal for a variety of applications.

These tiny bubbles also have the ability to reduce surface tension and pH of water, creating amazing effects in the water. This unique class of bubbles has even gained a new classification under ISO/TC 281 – Fine bubble technology.

Aguabel, AQUA4D and Ultra-O2 offer you a unique range of sustainable water systems. Together we have more than 5000 systems operational worldwide. We would like to give you more information about the many advantages and our possibilities for simple field tests at your location.

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