Changing demands from society mean that straw bedding will be an essential feature of modified pig housing and husbandry systems in the future.
Big Dutchman International GmbH developed the OlliGES straw robot to anticipate this need.
The robot’s innovative technology makes it possible to reduce the amount of straw used. The intelligent system automatically evaluates how much straw is required and where. The OlliGES then automatically tops up the straw at the pre-defined locations.
This is based on a scan of the bedding status performed at night to eliminate or minimise possible light influences caused by sunlight Cameras and infrared lighting are used to record a good quality and uniform image of the house.
After this scan, the footage is analysed to define which action is required in the next 24 hours. Compared with conventional bedding techniques, this innovative system delivers significant advantages by reducing the time-intensive labour input and emissions.
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