SpectraGrow is thrilled to collaborate with Leaficient and Good Life Farms on the installation of an autonomous greenhouse lighting control system in Bentonville, Arkansas. Using multi-spectral cameras and a variety of sensors, the system tracks plant biometrics plus available sunlight, and then adjusts our supplemental lighting to optimize plant growth. Providing the exact amount of light that the plants need, when they need it, minimizes wasted energy and drives predictable increases in crop yield and plant quality.
I really appreciate Leaficient’s expertise in computer vision and how they apply it to leaf-level tracking of plant stress and ability to photosynthesize, informing customized light profiles that optimize plant growth and reduce costs. – Whit Allen, CEO SpectraGrow.
This is a fun collaboration with two very forward-thinking organizations: SpectraGrow and Good Life Farms. Growers are increasingly looking to data driven operations and tightly controlled grow environments to adapt to variations in weather, geography, growth management and plant genetics. This automated solution increases yield and quality while minimizing energy costs, freeing-up the grower to focus on other tasks. There are so many crop customizations that growers can unlock just by managing light! – Brian Stancil, CEO Leaficient